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Muted Christmas Celebrations in UAE Amid Solidarity for Gaza

Some Christians in the UAE are preferring quiet thought and prayers over festive decorations for their Christmas celebrations.

Some Christians in the UAE are opting for muted Christmas celebrations, choosing quiet reflection and prayers instead of festive decorations. 

The ongoing situation in Gaza has led residents to focus on the spiritual essence of Christmas and express solidarity with the victims of conflict.

Spiritual Celebration Emphasized:

For many Christians, the true celebration of Christmas is seen as a spiritual and modest occasion. 

Church services will prioritize prayers for Gaza and other war-torn regions, redirecting the focus from elaborate festivities to contemplation and compassion.

Personal Testimonies:

Expats from various countries share their perspectives on this unique Christmas. Suzan Kazzi, a Lebanese expat, emphasizes the spiritual nature of Christmas. 

At the same time, Evgheni Pogonii from Moldova sees the season as a time for contemplation and compassion, particularly for those affected by conflicts like Gaza.

Palestinian Voices:

Palestinian residents express the pain and despair overshadowing their usual Christmas celebrations. 

Families in solidarity with Gaza are refraining from elaborate decorations and festivities, choosing to focus on prayers for peace and respect for the suffering in Gaza.

A Symbolic Nativity Scene in Solidarity:

A Filipino expat, Michelle Oribello, highlights a powerful image of a Nativity scene with baby Jesus wrapped in a Palestinian keffiyeh, born on a pile of rubble. 

This symbolic representation underscores the harsh reality of destruction in Gaza and emphasizes the message of solidarity during the Christmas season.

Global Prayers and Solidarity:

Expats from Nigeria, Sudan, the Dominican Republic, and India express their deep concern for the crisis in Gaza and pledge to keep the affected people in their prayers. 

Calls for muted celebrations and donations to support Gaza reflect a global sentiment of compassion and a desire for peace.

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