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Mustafa Al-Taslaq: The Beast from the Middle East

Mustafa Al-Taslaq: The Beast from the Middle East

A Journey of Resilience and Triumph in Kickboxing and Muay Thai

Mustafa Al-Taslaq, known in the combat sports world as “The Beast from the Middle East,” has carved a niche for himself with his impressive achievements in kickboxing and Muay Thai. His journey from Amman, Jordan, to becoming a celebrated champion in Dubai is a testament to his dedication, resilience, and passion for martial arts.

Early Life and Background

Born on January 10, 1991, in Amman, Jordan, Mustafa spent his early years in his hometown before moving to London, UK. It was in London where his interest in martial arts began to take shape. By 2010, he had started training seriously in various disciplines, including kickboxing and Muay Thai. His educational journey includes a diploma in Sports Science from the City of Westminster University, where he was actively involved in a variety of sports and athletic activities.

Transition to Professional Fighting

Mustafa’s professional career began to take off in 2016 when he moved to Dubai to pursue kickboxing and Muay Thai at a professional level. His debut in the professional arena came in 2018, and he quickly made a name for himself with several significant victories. His orthodox stance and impressive reach of 76.3 inches (194 cm) have made him a formidable opponent in the ring.

Career Highlights and Achievements

Mustafa’s career is marked by numerous accolades and titles. Some of his most notable achievements include:

  • February 2019: Won a gold medal at the UAE Muay Thai and Kickboxing Federation, clinching his first match by TKO in just 22 seconds.
  • March 2019: Secured a gold medal at Istanbul’s Fighting Fit Club by defeating an Iranian champion.
  • June 2019: Won the Kickboxing Belt at the Zayed Tournament, earning the title of Middle East’s Super Heavyweight Champion.
  • September 2019: Achieved gold in a K1 fight under WAKO, defeating Moroccan competitor Rida Alawi.
  • February 2020: Took first place in the Muay Thai and Kickboxing Championship, becoming the UAE Heavyweight Champion for the second time.
  • November 2020: Maintained his undefeated record by defeating Iranian opponent Adnan Amiri by KO.

These victories not only highlight his skill and strength but also his strategic prowess and dedication to the sport.

Brand Collaborations and Personal Coaching

Beyond his achievements in the ring, Mustafa has collaborated with renowned brands such as Adidas Combat Middle East, Reebok, Cellucor, and His role in product development and reviews for Rushio underscores his commitment to enhancing the safety and performance of combat sports gear.

As a certified advanced personal trainer (Level 3-4), Mustafa offers personal training sessions that focus on bodybuilding, lower-back rehabilitation, boxing training, Muay-Thai training, and strength and conditioning for all age groups. His approach is rooted in his extensive knowledge of sports science and his practical experience in martial arts.

Overcoming Challenges

Mustafa’s journey has not been without its challenges. From rigorous training regimens to dealing with injuries, his resilience has been a key factor in his success. His ability to face setbacks head-on and learn from each experience has only strengthened his resolve and performance.

Vision for the Future

Mustafa continues to inspire the next generation of athletes through his training sessions and social media presence. His vision extends beyond personal glory; he aims to elevate the standards of combat sports in the Arab world and empower athletes to reach their full potential. With an undefeated record in 10 professional fights, he remains a prominent figure in the world of kickboxing and Muay Thai.


Mustafa Al-Taslaq’s journey from Jordan to Dubai and his rise in the world of kickboxing and Muay Thai is a story of passion, resilience, and unwavering dedication. As he continues to inspire and train new athletes, Mustafa’s impact on the combat sports community is profound. His story is a beacon of perseverance, illustrating that with hard work and determination, greatness is within reach.

For more information about Mustafa Al-Taslaq, visit his official website or follow his journey on various social media platforms.

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