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Anthony Joseph Abou Jaoude: Crafting Real Estate Royalty in Dubai

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A Visionary Leader Redefining the Real Estate Landscape

Anthony Joseph Abou Jaoude, a name synonymous with luxury real estate in Dubai, has carved a niche for himself as a trailblazer in the industry. From humble beginnings in Lebanon to becoming a leading figure in Dubai’s property market, his journey is a testament to his relentless ambition and innovative spirit.

Early Life and Ambition

Born in Lebanon, Anthony’s early life was marked by the rich cultural heritage of his homeland. Despite facing financial constraints, his ambition knew no bounds. At 29, Anthony moved to Dubai in 2014 with a few hundred dollars and a dream to make it big in the real estate industry. The city’s fast-paced growth and limitless opportunities were the perfect backdrop for his aspirations.

Rise in Real Estate

In Dubai, Anthony quickly immersed himself in the real estate market, learning the ropes and identifying opportunities. His dedication and keen business acumen paid off when he founded Primestay, a company that has become synonymous with luxury short-term rental accommodations. Primestay offers a range of services, including 5-star quality stays, housekeeping, laundry, and VIP concierge services, setting a new standard for excellence in the market.

Expanding Horizons

Under Anthony’s leadership, Primestay expanded its portfolio to include property management and interior design, catering to the diverse needs of Dubai’s discerning clientele. His commitment to quality and detail has earned him numerous accolades, including being recognized as the best broker from till 2022.

Challenges and Triumphs

Anthony’s journey was not without challenges. The competitive nature of the real estate market and the envy of rivals tested his resolve. However, these obstacles only strengthened his determination. Anthony’s ability to navigate these challenges and emerge successful is a testament to his resilience and strategic thinking.

Beyond Real Estate

Anthony’s influence extends beyond real estate. He is the host of three podcasts: “Dubai Stars,” “AJ Podcast,” and “BilArabi,” where he shares insights and success stories from various industries. He also provides educational content for brokers, including a real estate academy, online courses, and has authored two Amazon best-selling books, “Take Charge” and “Take Action.”

Vision for the Future

Looking ahead, Anthony aims to continue innovating and expanding his business empire. His vision includes leveraging new technologies and sustainable practices to enhance the real estate experience. He is also committed to mentoring the next generation of entrepreneurs, sharing his knowledge and experiences to help others succeed.


Anthony Joseph Abou Jaoude’s journey from Lebanon to the top echelons of Dubai’s real estate market is a remarkable story of ambition, resilience, and innovation. His ability to transform challenges into opportunities and his commitment to excellence have made him a standout figure in the industry. As he continues to push the boundaries of what is possible in real estate, Anthony remains a beacon of inspiration for aspiring entrepreneurs worldwide.

For more about Anthony Joseph Abou Jaoude and his work, visit his official website here.

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