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Ahmad Haffar: The Voice of Dubai and a Trailblazing Entrepreneur

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From Humble Beginnings to a Household Name

Ahmad Haffar, widely recognized as the “Voice of Dubai,” has made significant strides in the voice-over industry and beyond. His journey from a self-taught artist to an influential entrepreneur is marked by resilience, creativity, and a relentless drive to succeed.

Early Life and Inspiration

Born in Lebanon, Ahmad grew up in a family that valued education and hard work. Despite his parents’ emphasis on academics, Ahmad found his passion in music and voice. He taught himself English by watching cartoons and action movies, and his love for music grew when his brother introduced a guitar into their home. Ahmad quickly mastered multiple instruments, including the electric guitar and piano, but his focus on music impacted his academic performance.

A Turning Point

At 15, Ahmad’s talent caught the attention of industry professionals during an audition he attended to support a student. This opportunity led him to work with renowned Lebanese singers, marking a significant turning point in his career. However, a tragic car accident at 17, which claimed the lives of his two best friends and left him severely injured, became a pivotal moment. During his year-long recovery, Ahmad honed his voice-over skills, practicing different tones and styles while bedridden.

Rise to Prominence in Dubai

In 2014, Ahmad moved to Dubai, seeking a fresh start. He began working as a special music coordinator and took on freelance voice-over projects to make ends meet. His big break came when he was signed by a major brand, catapulting him to prominence. Ahmad co-founded Mindloop Studios, a leading sonic branding firm in the region, and became the voice behind numerous high-profile projects, including the Dubai Expo 2020, Dubai Opera, and Dubai Festival City.

Achievements and Recognition

Ahmad’s innovative approach and dedication to his craft have earned him multiple accolades, including the UAE Prestige Awards for Best Studio and Best Composer. His influence extends beyond voice-over work; he is also involved in creating custom music playlists for top brands and writing slogans. His company, Mindloop Studios, is recognized for its exceptional work in sonic branding, making Ahmad a key figure in the industry.

Vision for the Future

Looking ahead, Ahmad aims to expand his influence through the OnTheField Creative Academy, offering comprehensive training programs in voice-over, audio, video, and photography. He is passionate about helping others develop their talents and make a living from their skills. Ahmad’s advice to aspiring artists is to keep evolving, learning new talents, and embracing the opportunities in a fast-growing environment like Dubai.


Ahmad Haffar’s journey from a self-taught musician to the voice of iconic brands in Dubai is a testament to his talent, resilience, and entrepreneurial spirit. His story is an inspiration to many, demonstrating that with determination and hard work, one can overcome adversity and achieve remarkable success. As he continues to innovate and mentor the next generation of artists, Ahmad remains a powerful voice in the industry.

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